The agricultural automation spectrum in Japan has the vision to establish full Autonomy by 2020. Our research focuses on the autonomous local adaptive navigation system for attachments of agricultural implements, parking of tractor and orchard operations. The natural and artificial landmarks have been proposed with fusion to Laser Range Finder (LRF) and Vision System. The UAV-based operations, leader-follower system researches have been carried out to bring out a solution of agricultural operations to minimize labor involvements and remote monitoring of farm operations. The machine learning approaches including deep learning and IoT, machinery operators’ rescue systems are a few of our recent researches published in leading journals.
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles:
- Ithiphat Opasatian, & Ahamed, T. (2024). Driveway Detection for Weed Management in Cassava Plantation Fields in Thailand Using Ground Imagery Datasets and DeepLearning Models. AgriEngineering, 6(3), 3408-3426. DOI:
- Nakaguchi V.M, R.M. Rasika D. Abeyrathna, & Ahamed, T. (2024). Development of a new grading system for quail eggs using a deep learning-based machine vision system. Comput. Electron. Agric. 226, 109433. DOI:
- Zifu Liu, R.M. Rasika D. Abeyrathna, Rizky Mulya Sampurno, Nakaguchi, V.M., & Ahamed, T. (2024). Faster-YOLO-AP: A lightweight apple detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv8 with a new efficient PDWConv in orchard. Comput. Electron. Agric. 223, 109118. DOI:
- Sampurno, R. M., Liu, Z., Abeyrathna, R. R. D., & Ahamed, T. (2024). Intrarow Uncut Weed Detection Using You-Only-Look-Once Instance Segmentation for Orchard Plantations. Sensors, 24(3), 893.DOI: 10.3390/s24030893
- Apacionado, B. V., & Ahamed, T. (2023). Sooty Mold Detection on Citrus Tree Canopy Using Deep Learning Algorithms. Sensors, 23(20), 8519.
- Hamidon, M. H., & Ahamed, T. (2023). Detection of Defective Lettuce Seedlings Grown in an Indoor Environment under Different Lighting Conditions Using Deep Learning Algorithms. Sensors, 23(13), 5790.DOI: 10.3390/s23135790
- Seyar, M. H., & Ahamed, T. (2023). Development of an IoT-Based Precision Irrigation System for Tomato Production from Indoor Seedling Germination to Outdoor Field Production. Applied Sciences, 13(9), 5556.DOI: 10.3390/app13095556
- Abeyrathna, R. R. D., Nakaguchi, V. M., Minn, A., & Ahamed, T. (2023). Recognition and Counting of Apples in a Dynamic State Using a 3D Camera and Deep Learning Algorithms for Robotic Harvesting Systems. Sensors, 23(8), 3810.DOI: 10.3390/s23083810
- Nakaguchi, V. M., & Tofael Ahamed. Fast and Non-Destructive Quail Egg Freshness Assessment Using a Thermal Camera and Deep Learning-Based Air Cell Detection Algorithms for the Revalidation of the Expiration Date of Egg Sensors 22(20), 7703, 2022,
- Munirah Hayati Hamidon and Tofael Ahamed. Detection of Tip-Burn Stress on Lettuce Grown in an Indoor Environment Using Deep Learning Algorithms, Sensors, 22, 7251, 2022.
- Nakaguchi, V. M., & Tofael Ahamed. Development of an Early Embryo Detection Methodology for Quail Eggs Using a Thermal Micro Camera and the YOLO Deep Learning Algorithm. Sensors, 22(15), 5820., 2022
- Pan Siyu and Tofael Ahamed. Pear Recognition in an Orchard from 3D Stereo Camera Datasets to Develop a Fruit Picking Mechanism Using Mask R-CNN. Sensors,22(11), 4187. 2022
- Ailian Jiang,Ryozo Noguchi, Tofael Ahamed. Tree Trunk Recognition in Orchard Autonomous Operations under Different Light Conditions Using a Thermal Camera and Faster R-CNN, Sensor 22, 2065,, 2022.
- Addie Ira Borja Parico and Tofael Ahamed. “Real Time Pear Fruit Detection and Counting Using YOLOv4 Models and Deep SORT.” Sensors 21, no. 14 (2021): 4803. DOI:10.3390/s21144803
- Addie Ira Borja Parico and Tofael Ahamed. An Aerial Weed Detection System for Green Onion Crops Using the You Only Look Once (YOLOv3) Deep Learning Algorithm, Special Issue, Environment, Engineering in Agriculture Environment and Food, EAEF (EAEF_SP_025), In press, 2021.
- Munirah Hayati Hamidon, Samsuzana, Abd Aziz, Tofael Ahamed, Muhammad Razif Mahadi. Design and Development of Smart Vertical Garden System for Urban Agriculture Initiative in Malaysia, Jurnal Teknologi 82(1):19-27,, 2019.
- Pengbo Gao,. Yan Zhang, Linhuan Zhang, Ryozo Noguchi, Tofael Ahamed. Development of a Recognition System for Spraying Areas from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using a Machine Learning Approach. Sensors 2019, 19, 313. doi:
- Yan Zhang, Gao Pengbo, Tofael Ahamed. Development of a Rescue System for Agricultural Machinery Operators Using Machine, Biosystems Engineering 169, 2018, 149-164 doi:
- Pawin Thanpattranon, Tofael Ahamed and Takigawa, Tomohiro. Navigation of Autonomous Tractor for Orchards and Plantations Using a Laser Range Finder: Automatic Control of Trailer Position with Tractor, Biosystems Engineering, 147:90-103 2016. doi:
- Linhuan Zhang, Tofael Ahamed, Yan Zhang, Pengbo Gao and Tomohiro Takigawa. Vision-Based Leader Vehicle Trajectory Tracking for Multiple Agricultural Vehicles, Sensors, 16(4), 578, 2016. doi:
- Genkawa, Takuma; Tofael Ahamed; Noguchi, Ryozo; Takigawa. Tomohiro. Simple and rapid determination of free fatty acids in brown rice by FTIR spectroscopy in conjunction with a second-derivative treatment, Food Chemistry, 191:7-11, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.02.014
- Pawin Thanpattranon, Tofael, Ahamed, and Takigawa, Tomohiro. Navigation of an Autonomous Tractor for a Row-Type Tree Plantation Using a Laser Range Finder—Development of a Point-to-Go Algorithm, Robotics Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp.341 – pp. 364, 2015. doi:
- Zhang Lin Huan, Takigawa Tomohiro, Tofael Ahamed. Leader Follower Tracking System for Agricultural Vehicles: Fusion of Laser and Odometry Positioning Using Extended Kalman Filter, IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol 4(1): 1-18. 2015. doi: 10.11591/ijra.v4i1.pp1-18
- Tofael Ahamed, Lei Tian, Yanshui Jian, Bin Zhao, Hx Liu, and KC Ting. Tower Remote Sensing System for Monitoring Energy Crops; Image Acquisition and Geometric Corrections, Biosystems Engineering, Elsevier Science 112: 93-107, 2012. doi:
- Yonghua Xiong, Lei Tian, Tofael Ahamed, Bin Zhao. Development of the Reconfigurable Data Acquisition Vehicle for Bio-energy Crop Sensing and Management, Journal of Mechanical Design, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 134:015, 1-7, 2012. doi:
- Tofael Ahamed, Lei Tian, Yuliang Zhang and KC Ting. A Review of Remote Sensing Methods for Biomass Feedstock Production, Biomass & Bioenergy, Elsevier Science, 35(2011): 2455-2469, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.02.028
- Bin Zhao, Lei Tian Tofael Ahamed. Real Time NDVI Measurement Using Low Cost Panchromatic Sensor for Mobile Robot, Environment Control in Biology, 48(2), 73-79, 2010. doi:
- Tofael Ahamed, Lei Tian, Tomohiro Takigawa, Yuliang Zhang. Development of Auto-Hitching Navigation System for Farm Implements using Laser Range Finder, Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(ASABE), Vol. 52(5): 1793-1803, 2009. doi: 10.13031/2013.29120
- Tofael Ahamed, Tomohiro Takigawa, Masayuki Koike, Landmark based Navigation for the Autonomous Tractor and its Application, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, 34(AE): 73-83, 2008. doi: 10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2009.03.001-016
- Tofael Ahamed, Tomohiro Takigawa, Masayuki Koike, Tsuyoshi Honma, Hideo Hasegawa, Qiang Zhang. Navigation using a Laser Range Finder for Autonomous Tractor (Part 1)- Positioning of Implement. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 68(1): 68-77, 2006. doi: 10.3390/robotics4030341
- Tofael Ahamed, Tomohiro Takigawa, Masayuki Koike, Tsuyoshi Honma, Hideo Hasegawa, Qiang Zhang. Navigation using a Laser Range Finder for Autonomous Tractor (Part 2). -Navigation for Approach Composed of Multiple Paths-, Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 68 (1): 78-86, 2006.
- Tomohoro Takigawa, Tofael Ahamed, Qiang Zhang, Payungsak Jyunyusen, Masayuki, Koike, Yasuhiro Matsumoto. Automatic Hitching of Farm Implements with an Autonomous Tractor, Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 68(5): 94-97, 2006.
- Tomhoro Takigawa, Tsuyushi Honma, Qiang Zhang, Tofael Ahamed, Payungsak Jyunyusen, Masayuki, Koike 2006. Development of Hitch Position Control and its Applications, Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 68(6): 51-58, 2006.

Conference proceedings (Selected)
- Jiang Ailian, Tofael Ahamed. Development of an Autonomous Spraying Robot for Orchard Using Thermal Camera and LiDAR. The 14th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum, University of Tsukuba, September 27-29, 2022.
- Nakaguchi Victor Massaki, Tofael Ahamed. Early Embryo Detection of Quail Eggs Methodology using Thermal camera and Deep Learning Based YOLOv4 Algorithm. The 14th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum, University of Tsukuba, September 27-29, 2022.
- Munirah Hayati Hamidon, Tofael Ahamed. Recognition of Tip Burn Disorder on Hydroponic Lettuces using Deep Learning Algorithm. The 14th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum, University of Tsukuba, September 27-29, 2022.
- Tofael Ahamed, Penbo Gao and Ryozo Noguchi. Thermal and Multispectral Image Acquisition System to Monitor Crops Growth and Navigation Planner Using UAVEPV. Japan Society of Agricultural Informatics (JSAI), University of Tokyo, May 16-17, 2018, Conference Proceedings, Page 118-119.
- Pengbo Gao, Tomohiro Takigawa, Tofael Ahamed, Ryozo Noguchi, Dynamic Stability Analysis of Agricultural Tractor’s Steering on Slope Using CarSim and Simulink. Ag-ESD SYMPOSIUM 19 November 2015.
- Tofael Ahamed, Noguchi Ryozo, Tomohiro Takigawa. On-the-go Laser-based Sensing System for Measuring Plant Height Using Autonomous Tractor, ASABEPaper no 121341120, July 29-August 1, 2012, , Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Tofael Ahamed, Supachai Kulmutiwat, Pawin Thanpattranon, Sasimon Tunitiwut, Noguchi Ryozo, Tomohiro Takigawa. Monitoring of Plant Growth Using Laser Range Finder, ASABE Paper no 1111373, August 18-22, Louisville, Kentucky USA.
- Tofael Ahamed, Lei Tian, Zhang, Y. Xiong, B. Zhao, Y. Jiang, KC Ting. Site-Specific Management for Biomass Feedstock Production: Development of Remote Sensing Data Acquisition Systems, International Conference on Precision Agriculture, July 19-21, 2010, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Tofael Ahamed, Lei Tian, Yanshui Jiang, Hx Liu, Bin Zhao, KC Ting, Development of Stand Alone Tower Remote Sensing for Energy Crop, Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, ASABEPaper Number: 1008734, June 20-22, 2010, Pittsburg, USA.
- Tofael Ahamed, Lei Tian, Casimiro Gadanah Junior, Francisco AC Pinto, Hx Liu, KC Ting, Spectral Sensing for Dry Matter Biomass Estimation of Energy Crops, Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, ASABEPaper Number: 1008737, June 20-22, 2010, Pittsburg, USA.
- Jiang, Y, L. Tian, Tofael Ahamed, Zhang, F. Pinto. Image Geo-referencing Method for a Tower Remote Sensing. 4th IFAC International Workshop on Biorobotics, Information Technology and intelligent control for Bioproduction System, September 9-11, 2009, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
- Zhang, Y L. Tian, Tofael Ahamed, Pinto, B. Zhao. Field Robot Positioning Using Remote Sensing Image. 4th IFAC International Workshop on Biorobotics, Information Technology and intelligent control for Bioproduction System, September 9-11, 2009, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
- Zhao, B. L. Tian, F. Pinto, C. Gadanha, Tofael Ahamed. Real-time NDVI Measurement Using Low Cost Panchromatic Sensor from a Robotic Platform. 4th IFAC International Workshop on Biorobotics, Information Technology and intelligent control for Bioproduction System, September 9-11, 2009, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
- Tofael Ahamed, Lei Tian, Yuliang Zhang, Qin Zhang, Tony Grift, KC Ting. Engineering Solutions for Biomass Feedstock Production – Pre-harvest Crop Monitoring System, Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Paper No. PM 095919, 21-24 June, 2009, Reno, USA.
- Tofael Ahamed, Takigawa, Tomohiro, Masyuki Koike. Landmark-based Navigation for Autonomous Tractor, Annual Paper Meet, Agricultural Engineering Division, June, 175-188, 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Tofael Ahamed. Takigawa, M. Koike, T. Honma, A. Yoda, H. Hasegawa P. Junyusen and Q. Zhang. 2004. Characterization of Laser Range Finder for Infield Navigation of Autonomous Tractor. International Conference Proceedings of Automation Technology for Off-road Equipment, ASAE, pp. 120-130, Kyoto Japan.