Agricultural Machinery Development and Management

Agricultural machinery development are required to maximize the productivity and address the solution of labor shortages throughout the world. In a long run, the machinery implementation in the south east asian countries require an efficient management system under the contract hiring process. The medium and small size farms could get the advantages of machinery utilization and increase production. Our team and my graduate students have been working to develop innovative site-specific machinery development in the southeast asian countries incorporate with Internet of Things (IoT). Some of our recent publications are listed.

  1. Jiang, A., & Ahamed, T. (2023). Navigation of an Autonomous Spraying Robot for Orchard Operations Using LiDAR for Tree Trunk Detection. Sensors23(10), 4808.DOI:  10.3390/s23104808
  2. Minn, A., Abeyrathna, R. R. D., Nakaguchi, V. M., & Ahamed, T. (2023). Development of a 3D Printed New Metering Mechanism for a Multi-Crop Seed Broadcasting System Using an Autonomous Small-Scale Vehicle. Inventions8(3), 69.DOI:  10.3390/inventions8030069
  3. Jing Du, Ryozo Noguchi, Tofael Ahamed. Feasibility Study of Motor-Powered Agricultural Tractors Based on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Energy Sources. Agricultural Information Research, 27(2) 14-27 2018.
  4. Yuttana Khaehanchanpong, Tofael Ahamed, Tomohiro Takigawa. Agricultural mechanization status for swampy areas in Thailand (Part 1)—Factors influencing machinery selection for land preparation in paddy field” International Agricultural Engineering Journal (IAEJ), Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering, 26 (2):231-240, 2017.
  5. Yuttana Khaehanchanpong, Tofael Ahamed, Tomohiro Takigawa. Agricultural mechanization status for swampy areas in Thailand (Part 2)—Development of a power puddler for a two-wheel tractor, International Agricultural Engineering Journal (IAEJ), Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering, 26 (2):241-250, 2017.
  6. Yuttana Khaehanchanpong, Tofael Ahamed, Tomohiro Takigawa. Agricultural mechanization status for swampy areas in Thailand (Part 3)—Development of half-track for four wheel-drive tractor” International Agricultural Engineering Journal (IAEJ), Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering, 26(2):251-260, 2017.
  7. Yuttana Khaehanchanpong, Tofael Ahamed, Tomohiro Takigawa. Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of an Inter-Row Cultivator for Sugarcane Fields, Inventions 2(3): 25, 2017. doi:10.3390/inventions2030025
  8. Heriyanto, H, K. B. Seminar, M. Solahudin, D. M. Subrata, Supriyanto, Liyantono, Ryozo Noguchi, Tofael Ahamed. Water Supply Pumping Control System using PWM based on Precision Agriculture Principles, International Agricultural Engineering Journal/25(2)/pp.1-8, 2016.
  9. Tofael Ahamed. Problems in Adopting Agricultural Machinery: A Case Study for Agricultural Mechanization in Bangladesh. Japanese Society of Farm Work Research, 41(129): 185-190, 2006.
  10. Tofael Ahamed, M.H. Kabir, K.Z. Islam, M.M. Huq and M.A. Satter.  A Mathematical Model on Economic Scale and Cost of Machinery Working Unit for Rice Production, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 15(1&2): 85-98, 2004.
  11. Tofael Ahamed, M.H. Kabir, K.Z. Islam, M.M. Huq and M.A. Satter.  A Mathematical Model on Economic Scale and Cost of Machinery Working Unit for Rice Production, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 15(1&2): 85-98, 2004.
  12. Tofael Ahamed, Hossain M.M, Huq M.M. and Alam, M.M.. A Computer Model for Optimal Power Levels and Agricultural Machinery Size for Selective Mechanization, Journal of Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh (JIEB), Vol. 28AE No.1: 49-62, 2001.
  13. Alam, M.M , Satter, M.A and Tofael Ahamed. A Study on Man and Machine Utilization in some Selected Engineering Workshop, Progressive Agriculture, Vol 11(1&2):187-192, 2000. doi:
  14. Tofael Ahamed, Hossain, M.M., Huq, M.M. and Alam, M.M. Cost Optimization and Energy Simulation for Selective Mechanization. Progressive Agriculture 10(1&2): 51-66, 1999.