Precision Application of Agricultural Inputs Using AI-IoT Driven Models
Academic Awards
University Gold Medal Award: For Distinction in Masters Program at the Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Ranked 1st among the 42 Departments of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 2001.
Professor Karim Gold Medal Award: First Position in B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering Examination, 1996. Ranked 1st among the six faculties/colleges of Bangladesh Agricultural University (~800 students).
Nurul Hossain Meritorious Gold Medal Award: First Position in B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering Examination, 1996. 1st ranked student among the six faculties of Bangladesh Agricultural University (~800 students).
Professor Nazmul Huq Gold Medal Award: First Position in B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering Examination, 1996. Ranked 1st in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology of Bangladesh Agricultural University.
Munbukagakusho Scholarship, 2002: Awarded by Ministry of Education and Embassy of Japan, Bangladesh for post graduate studies at the University of Tsukuba, Japan (Short listed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Bangladesh)