Coffee Leaf Rust Disease Detection for Pruning Solution Using Deep Learning Algorithms, 2022-2024.

Development of Downy Mildew Disease Detection for Spinach and Spraying Application System Using Deep Learning Algorithms, 2022-2024.

Development of Automatic Navigation System of Agricultural Machinery Based on UAV with Image Recognition, 2021-2023.

President’s Award
Development of a New Sensing System for Early Embryo Detection and Freshness Assessment of Quail Eggs Using Deep Learning Algorithms, 2021-2023.

Development of a New Small-Scale Autonomous Multi-Crop Seeder Using LiDAR and RTK-GNSS, 2021-2023.

Program Leader’s Award
Development of An IoT-based Precision Irrigation System for Tomato, 2021-2023.

Development of an Autonomous Driving System Using a 3D Camera for Orchard Operations, 2021-2023.

Recognition and Localization of Pears in Complex Orchards Using 3D Stereo Camera System and Deep Learning Algorithm, 2021-2023.

Development and Verification of Point Cloud Editing System with First-Person View (FPV) using Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display (VRHMD), 2021-2023.

Yield Prediction of Paddy for Climate Smart Agricultural Mechanization Planning in the Risk Prone Areas of Myanmar Using Satellite Remote Sensing, 2021-2023.

Development of Driver Safety System for Agricultural Machinery Operations Using Deep Learning Algorithm, 2021-2023.

Design of Navigation System for Transportation Mobile Robot for Agricultural Farms, 2021-2023.

Development of AI-based IoT Greenhouse Control System for Environmental Parameters, 2021-2023.

Navigation System for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Using Visual-SLAM, 2021-2023.

Graduate School Dean’s Award
Development of Autonomous Navigation Spraying Robot for Orchard Using LiDAR and Thermal Camera, 2020-2022.

Program Leader’s Award
Development of Automatic Navigation System for Mechanical Weeder in Cassava Field, 2020-2022.

Developing Deep Learning Cloud Services for Wood and Bamboo Identification, 2020-2022.

Autonomous Navigation System for Agricultural Vehicles, 2020-2022.

Autonomous Navigation System for Speedy Sprayer, 2020-2022.

Graduate School Dean’s Award
Deep Learning Algorithm for Pears Fruits Logistics and Harvesting Quality, 2019-2021.

Development of IoT-based Automatic Micro-controller Irrigation System in Homestead Multi-layered Garden to Produce Leafy Vegetables, 2019-2021.

Program Leader’s Award
Autonomous Smart Box Transportation System Using Machine Vision and Deep Learning, 2017-2019.

M.Sc. A Remote Sensing, Prediction of Grape Yields using Satellite Remote Sensing, 2017-2019.

M.Sc. A GIS-based Ecological Footprint Analysis for Garment and Textile Industries and Its Impact on Agricultural Ecosystem in the Suburb Regions, 2013-2015.

M.Sc Sustainability Analysis for Local Agricultural Food Production and Movement the Indonesian Local Community-A Remote Sensing and GIS-based Approach, 2013-2015.

A Remote Sensing, GIS and Community assisted Spatial Decision Support Systems for Determining Urban Agricultural Regions, 2012-2014.